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Al-Dairani Factory

Excellence in Painting Materials and Production

Al-Dairani Factory was established at the end of 1961 by Abdul-Hadi Khalid Al-Dairani and his son Khalid Abdul-Hadi Al-Dairani, who holds a PhD in Mineral Chemistry and is the holder of URKUNDE Patent No. 293 925 for the Snowcem mixture. This patented mixture, registered in West Germany (Berlin) in 1974, forms the foundation of the factory’s painting materials and production.

Since its inception, Al-Dairani Factory has successfully executed numerous painting projects and governmental contracts, contributing significantly to the construction and maintenance of central buildings and institutions across Baghdad, Iraq. The factory specializes in producing cement-based Snowcem and a variety of other painting products and accessories known for their wide range of distinctive colors, exceptional stability, and long-lasting durability.

Abdul-Hadi Al-Dairani

Founder 1962

Khalid Al-Dairani

Project manager 1962

Hiayam Al-Dairani

Founder 1980

Maki Masoud

General Manager 1992


At Al-Dairani Factory, our mission is to deliver superior quality painting products that combine innovative technology with traditional craftsmanship. We are committed to enhancing the aesthetic appeal and structural integrity of buildings through our durable and vibrant paint solutions. Our dedication to excellence ensures that our products not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers.


Our vision is to be a leader in the global paint industry, recognized for our pioneering approach, exceptional product quality, and commitment to sustainability. We aim to expand our reach, innovate continuously, and set new standards in the production of high-performance painting materials. By fostering strong relationships with our clients and partners, we strive to create a lasting impact on the construction and decoration sectors worldwide.

Partner with Us

At Al-Dairani Factory, we believe in the power of collaboration and the mutual benefits it brings. We invite you to partner with us and join a network of professionals dedicated to quality and innovation in the paint industry. Whether you are a contractor, distributor, or retailer, partnering with Al-Dairani Factory offers numerous advantages:

  • Access to Premium Products: Benefit from our extensive range of high-quality painting products and accessories.
  • Innovation and Expertise: Leverage our expertise in mineral chemistry and patented technologies to stay ahead in the market.
  • Reliable Supply Chain: Enjoy a reliable and efficient supply chain that ensures timely delivery of products.
  • Comprehensive Support: Receive comprehensive support, including technical assistance, marketing resources, and training programs.
  • Sustainability Commitment: Align with a partner committed to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.

By partnering with Al-Dairani Factory, you gain access to a legacy of excellence and innovation that can enhance your business and help you achieve your goals. Let us work together to create beautiful, durable, and sustainable solutions for buildings around the world.

For more information on partnering opportunities, please contact us at

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